
The Romanian Forest Owners Association
was created for the ideea to gather all the romanian forest owners in order to meet each other and to fight togheter for their common purpose : restitution in integrality.
R.F.O.A (Romanian Forest Owners Association) was constituted through the sentence of the Court of Brasov in september 1998 as a romanian juridical person, not guvernamental, no political, non-profit and it is functioning after the Law 26/2000.
Through establishing again the former Forest Owners Association which was functioning before the comunist regime, we follow the tradition by giving birth again to the Romanian Forest Owners Association (R.F.O.A) gathering also juridical as physical persons.
R.F.O.A is a full member to E.L.O. (European Landowners Organization).
Also trough E.L.O, R.F.O.A is in contact with all the national forest- and land-owners organizations from Europe.
R.F.O.A is protected by O.S.I.M as a mark-organization for "Supporting the private forest owners in the restitution process, in reprezenting their interest in the relation with the government , in supporting the landowners in economical development".
R.F.O.A has also the function of "umbrela" for all regional forest-associations and organizations and for individual persons.